(1) Avalanche Activity. At South and North Gap Lakes there was evidence of recent avalanche activity on the face of Medicine Bow Peak. We saw numerous snowmobilers "high-marking" between (!!) the fresh slides.
(2) Radio Contact. Radio contact north of Brown's Peak was sporadic. For about two miles starting at Shelf Lakes, I could contact neither VIS nor Jerry Hamann, who was skiing south of Brown's Peak at the time. The Kennaday Peak repeater was not responding to my keying. I received traffic from a controlled-burn dispatch (Bridger Peak repeater?), and I could key a response from the Laramie Peak repeater, but nobody responded to my calls until I got far enough east for line-of-sight transmission with the Pole Mountain repeater.
12 April 1998, 9:30 am - 12:00 noon. Skied from Towner Lake to Green Rock parking area via Telephone Creek, Mill Pond Lake, and Route 130.