March 20, 2000 Cheryl Jaworowski and Henry Heasler 9:00 am, 0 cars - Corner Mountain, 0 cars - Little Laramie, 2 cars-Sand Lake, end of road - 74 snowmobilers, 2 were RV's, 6 were cars, not including vehicles past Green Rock. Skied to Twin Lakes via upper Potholes corridor and backcountry travel. 8 inches new snow. Low to moderate avalanche conditions. 4:00 pm, 0 vehicle - Corner Mountain, 2 vehicles - Little Laramie, 85 snowmobilers at end of road (including up to Snowy Mtn Lodge), 6 were not snowmobile trailers. Very hasty snowpit at 10,480 feet, 1 mile south of North Twin Lakes, flat slope, air temperature - 18 F, wind 5 to 10 mph, overcast, light snow, and sunshine. 0-20 cm: new snow stellar crystals, 1 fist hardness. 20-20.5 cm: ice layer 20.5-90 cm: rounded and disaggregated crystals, well-metamorphosed, 1 fist hardness.