Medicine Bow Nordic Ski Patrol
Patrol Log:  Sunday, January 16, 2005:  B. Howell
On Sunday Jan. 16 Bob Howell skied from Green Rock Picnic ground just to 
the snow stake at the top of the Libby Creek / Barber Lake trail, then
spent the rest of the day skiing trails in the Corner Mountain area.

The Libby Creek snow stake showed 43 inches, with approximately 7
inches of that being fresh powder. In this area the temperature
was 24F. Light snow was falling, and the winds were very high
creating almost white-out conditions in a few exposed open areas.
However within the shelter of the trees conditions were good.

I then descended to the Corner Mountain Trailhead to familiarize
myself with trails in that area, which I hadn't skied before.
I skied most of the outer perimeter formed by the Corner Mountain
Loop and the Camp Loop. Conditions here were also good. It was
30F, mostly overcast but no snow was falling. There were also
about 7 inches of new snow in this region, but heavier -- not the
nice powder more common at Green Rock. Ski tracks already existed
around the Corner Mountain Loop. I had to break new trail around
much of the Camp Loop.

The car counts as of 1PM were:

with without
trailers trailers
Corner Mountain Lot 0 3
Little Laramie Lot 1 4
Below Cattleguard 44 1
Cattleguard to Turnaround 15 2
Green Rock Picnic Gnd. Lot 0 7
P. G. to Snowy Range Lodge 26 9

Total 86 26

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Page last modified January 18, 2005
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